Addressing the challenges of offshore wind turbine installation and maintenance in high winds


High Wind Challenge is a discussion and resource site for topics related to offshore wind turbine installation. One of the biggest challenges facing the development of the offshore wind industry is the ability to install and service turbines in all weather. For most installation projects, the workable limit is a wind speed of around 11 m/s. Yet to truly improve efficiencies, turbines need to be able to be installed efficiently and safely at higher wind speeds. With the right technologies and competencies, wind speeds of up to 16 m/s should be possible. Installation at these wind speeds will help to bring down costs and reduce risk.

The purpose of this site is to bring industry professionals together to discuss issues related to this challenge. This site is not intended to push branded products or services. There are no participation fees or obligations, but you may be asked to register in order to access certain content, such as exclusive industry reports.

High Wind Challenge is sponsored by the Belgian offshore wind service provider High Wind. For enquiries or further information, please contact Ole Jacob Wang Nielsen at nielsen.jacob.ole(@)

How it works

The site structure is based on several relevant categories featuring informative content that addresses specific issues concerning offshore wind turbine installation.

Do you have knowledge to share with your industry peers?

You can contribute to this site, too! Whether you have something to say or you want to share a white paper, article or study. This site is a great opportunity to boost your professional profile and connect with thought leaders in the offshore wind industry. If you have something you would like to share, please contact us.